Smart Sensor Systems AS

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We innovate
measuring technology

We innovate
measuring technology

Smart sensor solution for easy monitoring and measurement of cracks, landslides, liquid level, temperature and moisture, among other things.

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Automated monitoring of infrastructure

With our smart iBridge, a sensor-based system, you can easily measure and get ongoing information about physical changes in critical structures via 4G.

Automated monitoring of infrastructure with new battery-powered sensor technology enables condition-based maintenance and control. The continuous monitoring of how structures behave under varying loads provides knowledge and insight to uncover irregularities.

Usage areas

Society-critical infrastructure should be instrumented and monitored to be able to observe impacts and changes in the construction. Then you can react appropriately before serious damage occurs.

Building and construction

Keep an eye out for cracks, settlement damage, vibration and moisture.

Road, port, bridge and railway

See changes in bearing capacity and overload, and forces affecting the construction.

Water and wastewater

Monitor water reservoirs, pipelines, treatment plants, tanks and pumping stations.


Current measurements for production and safety in industry, shipyards, agriculture and fisheries.

Renewable energy

Sensor-based measurement can improve operational efficiency and optimize energy production.

Private residences

Useful for home owners who need objective data to document changes.

iBridge - a smart sensor-based system

With a combination of our iBridge and external sensors, you can monitor physical changes in your building yourself.

With 4G communication to our cloud solution, you can monitor critical changes from your own PC 24/7.


Assembly in Lundsbroa

Sensor measurement of the old Lundsbroa in Kristiansand

Vibrations, structural changes and temperature fluctuations are now being measured in the old Lundsbroa in Kristiansand. The University of Agder (UiA) has purchased iBridge smart data loggers from Smart Sensor Systems, which are now installed in several places inside the bridge. The project is a collaborative project with Agder County Municipality. Four students at UiA construction design have followed along

Smart Sensor Systems has entered into a partnership agreement with the Haneseth Group regarding the installation of sensor equipment.

Partner agreement between Haneseth Gruppen and Smart Sensor Systems

Smart Sensor Systems has entered into a partnership agreement with the Haneseth Group regarding the installation of sensors and equipment for measurement projects across the country. - We think Smart Sensor Systems is an exciting company that supplies important measurement technology products for social security and maintenance. It is therefore with pride that we have entered into an agreement as the chosen partner

Grimstad municipality

Grimstad municipality closed bathing facilities

- Grimstad municipality has chosen to install iBridge - a smart sensor-based system, from Smart Sensor Systems on the roof of our public swimming facility. It is a good tool, simple and affordable for measuring changes in the roof structure. Now we have had a lot of snow on the roof, which had an effect on

